Meet Our Students

Gael, 11 years old
Gael loves sports. His favorite class is taekwondo and his dream is to become a professional soccer player. He believes that the Foundation has given him the skills needed to achieve his goals not only in sports, but in life. Little by little, he’s learned the importance of respect and friendship, and applies these values in his schooling each day.

Jonathan C., years old
Jonathan is fascinated by Korean language and taekwondo — a sport he had never practiced before coming to the Foundation. While he loves sports, Jonathan’s biggest dream is to become a veterinarian. He’s thankful to have learned new skills like playing the keyboard, and believes that values are the most important thing the Delia Morán Vidanta Foundation can teach families and children.

Tamara, 8 years old
Tamara's dream is to be a poet, and is excited to share her writing with classmates at the Foundation. Her favorite class is English, as she is fascinated by learning new languages. Tamara believes that the Delia Morán Vidanta Foundation not only helps children learn new things like aerial dance and swimming, but that it also helps parents become more involved in the lives of their children.

Angel, 9 years old
Angel has many favorite classes, including reading, table tennis, math, swimming, and dancing. He felt like dancing while listening to jazz music at the Foundation, and was very interested in learning about songs and choreography. Angel would like to defend innocent people as a lawyer, and knows that the Foundation's classes will help him reach his goal.

Jonathan L., years old
For Jonathan, it's difficult to name a favorite class because he enjoys all of them! His dream is to be a veterinarian and an oceanologist, because he loves animals and is interested in both careers. Since coming to the Foundation, Jonathan has learned to be honest, tolerant, and above all, open to learning new things. He believes that the Delia Morán Vidanta Foundation can help children have a happy future, improve their behavior, and bring families together.

Petter, 7 years old
Petter doesn't consider the Foundation a normal school. To him, it's a beautiful place where children can learn through games and fun lessons. He would like to be a soccer or a basketball player, and loves his sports classes because they help his concentration, energy, and strength. Petter believes that the Delia Morán Vidanta Foundation teaches skills and values that can be shared with children, grandchildren, and generations to come.